jio welcome offer – Reliance Jio introduced its 5G services at last month’s India Mobile Congress. The telecom giant led by Mukesh Ambani built the Jio True 5G network. It is now available in eight cities, including Delhi NCR, Kolkata, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Varanasi, and Nathwada. Since Jio 5G is still in testing, access is limited to invited customers only, and the service does not yet have any dedicated pricing options. Jio, on the other hand, has launched a Welcome Offer for those who are qualified to join the 5G network.
What is the Jio 5G Welcome Offer
The company has announced that some users will be able to utilize Jio 5G for free in areas where the service is now available. This promotion from Jio grants subscribers unlimited use of 5G internet at speeds of up to 1 Gbps. Users in places where Jio 5G is already accessible will not be eligible for this promotion. Customers must meet certain requirements before receiving this deal, which is available exclusively via invitation.
jio 5g welcome offer registration
Customers must register their mobile numbers with Jio before they can be invited to utilize the company’s 5G network. Once the number is registered, Jio will determine if the customer is qualified to utilize Jio True 5G.
There are, however, criteria that customers must fulfill before they may register for the invitation. According to Jio’s website, in order to be invited, consumers will need to be in a coverage region and have a Jio 5G-compatible handset. In addition, any prepaid and postpaid Jio customers with an active plan of Rs 239 or above would be eligible to receive an invitation from the business.
how to activate jio welcome offer?
- Open Jio’s official website on your desktop or the My Jio app on your smartphone
- To sign up for the Jio welcome offer, go to the offer’s page and select “Express Interest.”
- A new window will pop up once you select the option where you can enter your phone number for registration.
- When you enter your Jio number, you’ll get a one-time password to the same number.
- Verify with the OTP to initiate the registration process
- You’ll receive an invitation to the Jio Welcome offer on the My Jio app once the company recognizes your qualification.
Jio 5G plans
Jio is planning to roll out its 5G offerings once the service is available in additional cities, which is likely to happen in the coming months. By the end of the year, Jio hopes to have 5G service available in all major cities, and by 2023, the firm has set a goal of providing service to the whole country. Before then, Jio 5G would be provided at no cost to a limited number of users. As an added bonus, Akash Ambani has already stated that Jio’s 5G plans will not be prohibitively expensive for Indian consumers.
Jio 5G: Supported smartphones
Smartphone manufacturers like Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, OnePlus, Realme, are yet released software upgrades to enable Jio 5G connectivity. Other manufacturers’ OTA updates for 5G compatibility have not yet been released, although they are anticipated to do so before the year’s end.
On the other hand, the 5G upgrade for iPhones is predicted to be released by Apple in December. The iOS 16.2 beta, which is currently only available to a select group of customers, marks the debut of 5G capability from the Cupertino company.
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