Jio Bharat B1 4g: Jio Bharat B1 feature phone has been launched. The new feature phone has been designed with a special focus on Tier 3 users in India. JioBharat B1 provides an affordable gateway for video content and UPI payments through the JioPay app.
Expanding its series of user-friendly, budget-friendly devices, Jio has introduced the JioBharat B1 feature phone. The new feature phone has been designed with a special focus on Tier 3 users in India. With its larger display and better battery life, the JioBharat B1 provides an affordable gateway to video content and UPI payments through the JioPay app.
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JioBharat B1 4G Design
The design of JioBharat B1 combines two different elements: matte and glossy. The matte finish back panel gives the phone a comfortable and easy to hold look, while the glossy camera module gives it an attractive look.
JioBharat B1 Specs
JioBharat B1 comes with a larger display and a bigger battery, which sets it apart from its predecessors. The 2.4-inch display is ideal for enjoying video content with 4G connectivity, while the 2,000mAh battery ensures long usage on a single charge.
JioBharat B1, like other JioBharat phones, comes with a number of useful apps. This includes JioCinema, JioSaavn and JioPay (UPI). The device also supports 23 native languages, making it attractive to a multilingual audience.
JioBharat B1 Price
JioBharat B1 feature phone is available in a sleek black color and can be purchased at a price of only Rs 1,299. It can be easily purchased from Amazon or official Jio outlets. Jio users will have to choose a recharge plan of Rs 123 or more to unlock the full potential of this feature phone.